In practice Fauna & Flora International's (FFI’s) direct conservation impact is mostly clearly seen within the countries that we work. However, behind the scenes we take a global perspective to our work, under a series of specific approaches and initiatives.


Agricultural Landscaping

Fauna & Flora International promotes agricultural landscapes that safeguard biodiversity, support sustainable natural resource use and improve rural livelihoods.


Business & Biodiversity

Fauna & Flora International promotes agricultural landscapes that safeguard biodiversity, support sustainable natural resource use and improve rural livelihoods.


Climate Change

Change to global weather patterns is one of the greatest threats that will face biodiversity over coming years. Fauna & Flora International is working to reduce the risks through supporting emissions reductions from natural habitats and by developing adaptation plans.


Developing Capacity

Where possible Fauna & Flora International always works with in-country organisations to strengthen their abilities to deliver conservation into the future.


Conservation Science

Good conservation relies on good information, expertise and decision making. Fauna & Flora International aims to embed this across our partners, projects and grant-giving programmes.


Cultural Values

Cultural values connect people to the natural world. Fauna & Flora International aims to build these into its conservation initiatives to improve effectiveness while helping people retain their values, knowledge and traditions.


Livelihood and Governance

Fauna Flora International believes that conservation projects should not disadvantage people, but should improve their well-being and empower them to sustainably manage their own natural resources.


Marine conservation

The oceans have been badly abused over the last centuries. Fauna & Flora International has launched a new programme to focus on the protection of key marine sites, and to address some of the wider causes of marine declines.